Trevor Southey
I am compelled by our endless human desire and insistence on understanding, while at the same time seeing that we will never quite understand. Like you, I feel too well, the hunger for some sense of place within the universe. That strange quest seems to be so distinctively a human one which, I suppose, keeps us all moving toward the considered life rather than one which is numbed by survival and the comfort of hedonism.
This is the dance of endless exploration, solitary most of the time but also within union and reunion, of finding and losing, and finding again. Far better that adventure when it is shared with the beloved who may be part of the dance than going it alone. Life and love are elusive, and this is so hard to live with. It makes loneliness seem at times unbearable and perhaps is one of the things which propels us toward each other and into the mystery of exploring relationship.
My affectionate greetings,